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My Ramadan Journal

Hello from the lower floor of my dorm. Happy saturday. Hope you're as excited as me, because this month is Ramadan!! It's already the 5th day of Ramadan. Ps: I didn't know this 'My Ramadhan Journal' blog post would be serialized or not but lets make it #1.

Yes. This time I wanna try journaling in here, sharing with all of you about what I did and the lessons I got at certain times of the month of Ramadan. As you know guys, I started Ramadan this time at my dormitory Huhu. Sad yeah, happy too. Mixed feelings but I'm used to starting fast without being with my family. But I'm very grateful, in this moment of solitude, I often contemplate what I've done and what I will do in the future. I'm also very grateful that I reunited again with the month of Ramadan this year. A very special guest, I've to welcome it well !! Always remember guys, we've to maximize ourselves in the month of Ramadan, make our fast as the last fasting. Make our night prayer as the last night praying so that we can better take meaning from it. I have also read, try before we start shalat: we silent for a few seconds, feel the atmosphere around us, fully present ourselves, inhale and then exhale, then start to focus more as well. 

From day 1 to day 5 of the month of Ramadan, there isn't much difference, everything is the same, breaking the fast at the dormitory, alone, sometimes buying at the food stalls, sometimes delivery. Just like that, and lately, I've been preparing for sidang UP (what do you call it in english? Idk). Please pray for me guys, to make it easier and easier. Aamiin.

Actually, I have a plan to mudik with my sist, but I don't know whether it will be or not. I also have plans for iftar together with my friends but I don't know if it's just a plan or it will be realized later. But I'm excited, enjoying day by day this month.

Please, lets make this one the best Ramadan because next Ramadan is not sure for everyone. Humans sometimes worry too much about uncertainties and worry less about certainties. Everyone knows they would die one day but we all act as if we are going to live forever. The most important things in life sometimes pass us by without us ever thinking about 'em. One of such things is the month of Ramadan for a Muslim. This Ramadan is here again. Lucky ones among us are still here. Alhamdulillah. What would I do if this was my last Ramadan? People around me need me to do good things and me too, need people to do good things for me. Then let start with myself. I want to do more, be more. Maybe I want to take time out to read and understand more of the Quran (We know that Ramadan is the month of the Quran so it matters that we do more with it), pray more, and do more kind acts. It doesn't matter how small it is, smile while doing this for example. Aim to become better than yesterday, etc.

ANDD I would like to use this opportunity to thank to all of you, every Muslim that has been kind and merciful to others during this Ramadan. Lets us keep up the good work! 

Jazaakumullahu Khairan.


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