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Life Got You Down? Time to Level Up, Embrace the Chaos, and Slay Like a Boss!

Have you ever felt trapped in a never-ending maze of life, it's hard being here day by day and it gets difficult every passing second and sometimes it feels like life isn't going anywhere and there's no point in playing this game?πŸ˜©πŸ’€

Well, then that makes the two of us!πŸ‘€ I’ve had multiple setbacks and false starts, I've been down that rabbit hole countless times. We will face disappointment, setbacks, epic fails, falling on the floor, lose money and prestige and people, and all those dumb disappointments. 

And as times goes by, I thought it was okay to feel that way, it's normal, it's makes me feel that this is the way human should experience to live their life. Life can be a never-ending rollercoaster, but guess what? It's totally normal, and that's how we humans roll, yo! If you're afraid of embarrassment, let me drop a truth bomb: life is embarrassing AF, so screw it! It's never wrong to live your current conditions and anyway, this is our first experience to be human right?

And also, as a worker, sometimes I feel so disappointed towards myself if I didn't give a good performance when working in certain day. But turns out, I realized that it's okay if we have a bumpy week because there will a rough days in a week, there will good days in a week. Even in a day we are not always have a good mood from the dusk till down, right?! That's what life is. It's cool to have a bumpy week. Life ain't all rainbows and unicorns, and our moods ain't always on fleek. It's like a bumpy road, and we just gotta embrace the journey!

Now, let me spill some tea: everyone's as clueless as you when it comes to this crazy game of life. We're all lost, wondering how to snag that job, level up our careers, try new stuff, endure pain, and learn new skills. 

Failure, confusion, degrowth, and taking L's are just part of the ride. The key is to bounce back, restart, refocus, and readjust as many damn times as you need to. That resilience will be your secret weapon to conquer future challenges, slay your goals, and live your fulfilling life.

Just don't quit! Keep hustling to level up! Your heartbeats are like a cosmic signal that you should always keep going in this life! Remember, there's always room to improve so take your time! Restart again and again and don't worry about the clock! Reinvent yourself as often as you need to!

You're not lazy just because your friends are moving faster than you. 

You're not a failure just because your friends have many achievements than you. 

You're not invisible just because they're not listening to you.

Trust your natural rhythm, feel it, love it, embrace it, focus on your own growth, and keep using your voice!

You'll shine and bloom when it's your time, so just be be patient, trust the process, and focus on your own progress! Work for your every tiny goals with humbly, sincerely, and consistency. We are all WIP, Work In Progress~ Together, we'll navigate this wild journey and become the balanced person we're meant to be.πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

Another Day, Another Slay



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