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to Live more Simplyღ

For me, overall life is so complicated, unpredictable. Sometimes it's normal, like a roller-coaster, or sometimes it's so monotonous. As the time goes by, no matter what happens, I always try so hard to better up myself and I keep finding ways doing things I love, like a little bit exercise though it's not consistent yet, a little cook for myself, reading bunch of books, or drinking a cup of tea in the peaceful morning.

I simply aware that the simplest routines and consistency will magically get me where I wanna be. I just try to live my very best life.

And, what is my version of the best life?

Actually for the longest time I have been trying to make sense of life, sometimes I just think that life is so ugly because how can we pay just to live in this universe!!! Even when we died we also have to PAY and imagine in this large land there are still a lot of 'homeless people'. Seems we live in a scam society, I MEAN WE RIOT HAHAHA. 

I also sometimes think that I've wanted to kill myself a hundred times because I think life is supposed to feel like it's unworthy of living at times. I've also come to the conclusion that I will never reach my highest point in my life because that concept may doesn't even exist in the first place. 

So it takes a lot of courage to choose to stay in this world and believe that there's guarantee of an unbearable amount of losses and pain that comes with it. And just see that we will finally gain strength by loving and hurting with our entirely being and we will slowly but surely learn to make peace with all of this.

Now I see the life that there's no sense to be made, but only LIFE TO BE LIVED. I found there is no purpose to fulfill, no bucket-lists to check off, simply just an ephemeral moment to breath, love, feel, and be kind to another. Life for me is just all the simple little things that we often overlook. 

We just need to take a deep breath, uncomplicated our heart, and simply be here, mindful, present, embrace our own journey. There's so much beauty and wonder to be found right where you are, right where we are.

Life is a rhythm of highs and lows and whatever happens is so important, it's a part of our story. Mistakes can always be forgiven, freedom can always be found. 

And honestly life is way better when we start to appreciate the little things, the little things that bring you pleasure and realizing how blessed you are. Happiness is a choice, so choose it.

I think the bravest thing we can do is just be ourselves, we are going to be as original as humanly possible in our personal style, in our language, and in our life choices and that is so beautiful! 

Always gravitate toward yourself, stay fully aware, and just stay grounded. Acknowledge your body and breath, own yourself! Take complete control, don't let other people's hurtful words gets in you. Instead, get 'em out of you, push away. Again, OWN YOURSELF!

Try not to be someone else or to impress a scripted and swindled society. If you are a flowery person who uses really poetic language, embrace it! If you are a quiet person, embrace it! If you are an energetic person, embrace it! Whatever you are, embrace it! And you've just gotta do more of it, you're gonna play up instead of copying someone else, no need to force anything. You are the master of your own universe. Don't ever lose yourself... Live your best life...

With love, 



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