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Letter to Myself

I know your heart has been through a whole lot these couple of years. It can feel so overwhelming having to deal with the pressures of life when you are still struggling to heal from the pain of what’s within. Perhaps even the smallest of tasks may seem too overwhelming for you right now. Perhaps you are wondering if there is something seriously wrong with you for feeling so weak, helpless, useless, incompetent, fucked up all the time. You may even look around you and see how good life seems to be for others. And this makes you feel extremely sad your life seem to be in comparison.

Logically, you know you shouldn't be comparing. You know the dangers of falling into that comparison game. You know you should be more grateful in life, because that's what you've been taught to do more of, but somehow you just can't help but go into that unrelenting cycle again and again. And I know what you feel that at this age, your character development or personal growth is behind far away from others. Others have become people who can carry themselves so well but you are not yet, you are still incompetent in everything, still don't know what your interests, talents, esp planning for the future. It's okay. Just keep trying and always craving to be better. Live your life with wholeheartedly.♡

My dear one, I wanna lovingly remind you of how strong you are of a warrior to battle the unimaginable of storms in your life. Just when I thought you would give up on us, somehow you managed to pull through. I know it's never easy trying to navigate through those overwhelming emotions, but it's amazingly courageous how you keep going!! Like what's Dory said, just keep swimming~ step by step, just focus on your character development, always get ready for a change of perspective about many things. AND..  you don't have to be big BIG cool woman, just be the best version of yourself, just be woman of leisure / happy ordinary, just keep your spark because you know what?! You look so beautiful when you are happy!! I know you want a quiet life, right?! Manifest it! Celebrate the beauty we can find in the lil things and using it to touch the hearts of people from the diverse walk of life through ways we could never imagine.

I hope you can boost your confident level ugh I know you are very weak at this and it's really really hard.. but.. ahh LOVE YOU!! Have a greater energy and passion, physical strength, and self-trust! Keep rolling~

-Your love-hate relationship partner-


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