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Showing posts from June, 2021


what would it be like flying and doesn't bother about consequences? what would it be like to get rid of natural poor social skill? what would it be like to be in another person's point of view? what would it be like to have urself showered with confident? what would it be like get away from this emotional shell?

It’s Not Your Job to Like Me, It’s Mine

The title is original Quotes by Byron Katie. That’s pretty shady, right? So.. let's jump into the ride today. If you want to completely change your opinion about happiness.. If you are struggling with your introverted personality.. If you have trauma to overcome and relationships to heal.. If you are looking for a sign.. So this is a little sign for you, that people's judgment is not your field. *disclaimer: this is different from the critic. How you handle criticism, is just to accept and evaluate yourself as well (dengan asumsi bahwa kritikan tersebut membangun dan berdasar).  OK get back on track. Kita semua pasti ingin diterima, disetujui, dan dihargai oleh orang lain and that’s the part of basic human needs. Siapa sih yang nggak mau merasakan hal itu? Of course it’s good when we are liked, bahkan research membuktikan bahwa perasaan disukai itu memicu hormon bahagia atau dopamine. Sebaliknya, perasaan tidak disukai, seperti diasingkan, ditolak, dibenci itu sangat nggak enak

Think and Grow Rich

HEY HELLOO ANOTHER BOOK CONTENT: Think and Grow Rich  by Napoleon Hill HAPPY READING! Buku ini intinya nyuruh kita untuk ‘berpikir dengan benar’. Tiap premis dan kisah nyata yang disuguhkan, kita sendiri yang harus berpikir ‘simpulannya’. Menarik kan! Dan kita sebagai pembaca selalu dikasih jeda untuk merenung, menganalisis, dan menemukan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik (Membuat kita menafsirkan sendiri makna tulisan dari Hill). Nah, buku ini berisi susunan 13 prinsip untuk menjawabnya. Tiap prinsip ini bisa dijadikan stimulus jawaban spesifik yang sudah ada di benak kita (dari hasil disuruh mikir tadi yang pas awal) sehingga ketika kita baca prinsip-prinsip itu, bisa memicu adanya jawaban yang muncul dalam bentuk gagasan, rencana, atau tujuan. Karena prinsip-prinsip kesuksesannya nggak dijelaskan secara gamblang, maka dari itu kita harus benar-benar meresapi kisah nyata yang disajikan sambil membaca dan menandai baris-baris yang mengungkap rahasia pencapaian orang-orang sukses tersebut.


Dear all of my friends. How was your day? A lil reminder, don’t forget to have your meals and have a strength. So, I wanna talk about dehumanizing. Why? Because I see a lot of people who see others who have a different identity (such as RELIGION, PREFERENCES, IDEOLOGY, GENDERS, RACES, PRINCIPLE OR ANYTHING THAT DEFINED EACH OF US) are doing dehumanizing by canceling them right away. “Ok she has a nice idea but she is from different religion, so just ignore her.” “Ah dia berbeda sama golongan kita. What they say isn’t really matter tho, what matters is just about our community. Only.” Ouch, see? Love is blind. It’s really okay and fine if we have our own preferences/principle/value, I have it too, as it should. But just don’t degrade others. Jangan sampai kepercayaan/identity kita malah mengarahkan kita ke dehumanizing. Because after all, setelah kita melepaskan segala atribut yang melekat pada diri kita, we are all human . So if there’s someone who suffering –apapun identit

Any street Any place, A poem.

  just like cardi said, boy you didn't want me because im too crazy girl? but you didn't know that every other girl you knew its fugazi spice it up. I just like who am I, sure you found it attractive. and because the way we see the universe, the way universe send what we deserve isn't it sweetness? so believe me then you got forever trust me then you got favourite crime shower me with your whole heart then you got what you deserve. Any street Any place intertwined, we are the fate conquer the universe. Any street any place You lead, I follow I'll close my eyes, smile next to you Any street any place any time Your command, sir. my pleasure, can't defend my walls again couse you break it, i let it, and i love it because you gonna be mine? boy, ima vulnerable wreck I've lost Hear my voice, see my face Hand in mine, please. i won't fight for a spot in ur heart cause either value me or miss me